Friday, August 29, 2008

DQS4 Quilt Done & Gone!

My little quilt for the Doll Quilt Swap 4 is in the mail! I really enjoyed making this one. It was fun and fast! The little Bento Box went together perfectly. I used 1-1/2" strips to make the squares - 36 of them in all. I love pink, and am very happy with how the fabrics came together. The quilting was simple, too. Long wavy diagonal lines across the quilt. Now I hope my partner likes it, too.

The swaps have been lots of fun; I've done 3 rounds of the Doll Quilt Swap and all four of the Four Seasons Quilt Swap. I've tried to make all my quilts different from the last. I'm trying to improve my piecing and quilting skills and look around for a new challenge with each new little quilt. I'll be looking for more swaps to do. I just have to be careful not to sign up for too many; I have other projects I need to be working on, too. (The swaps are just too much fun!)

Well, the first week of school is over. I'm adjusting to the new schedule. Our school district is not providing busing to the high school due to a failed school levy and my daughter started there this year. So I now have to drive the kids down to school in the morning and go back in the afternoon to pick-up, twice. Once after school (DD) and again after cross country practice (DS). Three trips a day, every weekday. Man is that gonna get old! And the traffic is awful. We live in a small town that has overgrown itself and there is only one road to both the Junior High and High School buildings. One lane in each direction, thru a quaint little downtown with cross walks at every corner. Bumper to bumper with school buses and 16 year olds on cell phones. Talk about stress! I'm going about 1/2 hour early and 1/2 hour late to try to miss the worst of the traffic, but it is still unpleasant. We just have to hope the levy passes in November so the community can have its streets back, and I'll get my time back. (Not holding my breath...)

So that's enough whining from me. I did spend my time at home today cleaning up my sewing room and getting organized for all the projects I'd like to accomplish. Boy is that list long! I really have to stop buying fabric. At least until after Christmas!

Happy quilting!


jillytacy said...

Ok, I'm your partner and I LOVE it!!! It's gorgeous! I love the pink, black and white combinations and the polka dots. The pattern, fabrics and quilting are fabulous! It's PREFECT!! Thank you so much! I need to take pictures so I can blog about it but I wanted to say thank you.

susan said...

good luck with that not buying fabric thingy!! oh i wish i could, i so need to stop buying, but geez its sooooooo hard. sorry you have to drive to school so many times a day. that would drive me crazy too.
your quilt is gorgeous. i love the colors you chose