Thursday, August 16, 2007

Two Weeks to Go...

My children return to school 2 weeks from today. The big yellow bus pulls up in front of the house at 6:38 am and takes them away! The only positive aspect of that horribly early start time is that I am up and busy and can have much accomplished by noon! I will be very sad to see them off to school. They are starting 7th and 8th grade this year. Not that many more years before I'll be taking them off to college. So we have a list of things to do in the next 2 weeks that we haven't managed to accomplish yet this summer. It will be a busy time!

I made some cute little zipper pouches for my Etsy store. I will be listing these over the next day or so. My plan is to try to list something every day or two -- and I'm trying to have a wider assortment of items. We'll see how well I stick to it...

I'm also excited to report that I have signed up for the Four Seasons Quilt Swap. I've added the link in the sidebar. I got my partner's name. She lives in a place I've always wanted to visit. So I'll get to send my little quilt along to a wonderful place! I have been thinking about what sort of quilt I'd like to make this time. The theme is Fall; typical fall colors aren't my usual palette. But I've seen some beautiful batiks in rich colors that might be just the ticket. And the greatest thing about these little swap quilts (other than the deadline!) is the opportunity to try a new technique in a small format. Lots of fun!

Until next time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is exactly how I feel about the 4 seasons swap: the opportunity to try something new!
Have a nice end of holidays. Here (in Germany) school has already started (since 2 weeks) and we have to wake up early as well! Take care.