Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Finished! I admit I was a bit panic-y yesterday. But, now it is done. It doesn't have a name yet, or a label. Usually a name comes to me while I work on a project, but so far this one is just "Autumn." I'll give it a quick wash and dry, get it labeled and into the mail. The back isn't as pretty as I'd like, but I'm happy with the result, and even happier I've got it done with some time to spare. (A rarity for me...)

I know I haven't posted much lately. I've been a bit bogged down. It seems I've more projects than time, and with the kids activities and dh's travel schedule, I feel like I've been going backwards. But finishing this little quilt is a step in the right direction. Tomorrow looks like another good sewing day, so I'll start working my way down my project list. I love to cross things off.

The weather here has been a drag, too. It is about 90 degrees again today. It is supposed to be in the low 70's this time of year. It also hasn't rained in weeks. I think tomorrow it may rain. It is likely too late to save some of my landscape plantings. They were well-established, and I've watered some, but in this heat I think it just evaporates. The ground is like concrete so not much soaks in. I have some plants to move when it cools a bit and I'd love to get my borders in order before winter. That hasn't happened the last couple of years and then it is such a mess in the spring. It will be interesting to see which plants come back in the spring.

Until next time!


1 comment:

Janice said...

Its beautiful Wendy, just beautiful. I love all the applique and the quilting and the dark centre.