Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Goodbye Sanjaya!

Well, it finally happened. He seems like a nice guy, has a beautiful smile and lovely hair...but he can't sing. Or at least not on TV. So, finally he's gone. I wonder what he'll do next.

Today was sunny, so I worked in the yard. My poor garden is in very sad shape. So, a little at at time, I'm trying to clean it up and get ready for Spring. I think maybe Winter has finally given up and gone away. Tomorrow, I need to sew. I have many ideas for new items to try in my Etsy shop and they are not going to create themselves. So I will try to be productive tomorrow.

Tonight, I got another Treasury on Etsy. My second one. This time I chose violet items that would be good Mother's Day gifts. Here's the link: I really need to figure out how to copy the image here. It would be so much nicer...

So, it's time to put my computer to bed. Looking forward to a busy day tomorrow!


1 comment:

Gerry said...

This was really nice to read...and thanks for the link it's really nice...and well for some more ideas and resources for Mothers Day you can also visit my blog on Mother's Day Gifts and check out all that i've posted there!!!